Elliott 900 Series Computers
Software and Documentation Archive
Andrew Herbert
This folder contains scanned copies of the Elliott 900/903 Technical Manual.
This was the principal documentation issued with software to 903 customers.
The manuals comprised 10 grey binders.
This folder contains reconstructions of those binders from the copies
held by Andrew Herbert, Terry Froggatt and at the National Museum of
Computing. All have been compared and the scanned versions made up from the
merged contents, using the latest issue pages. Andrew's set, which were
issued to machine 1558 sold to the British Ceramic Research Association
form the largest portion.
Neither Terry nor I have yet found the Engineering & Maintenance section
relating to Power Supplies and Extended Store. However both of us have
copies of the Elliott 920B Technical Manual, which predated the 903
Manual, and which does contain this information. (It is also very
clearly the text on which the 900 Technical Manual was based, but
organised differently). The 920B manuals are also on the list for
scanning, along with various documents internal to the Elliott
Airborne Computing Division / Maritime Aircraft Systems Division
relating both to standard Elliott software and systems written by those
divisions for internal use and/or their customers.
The file Errata.docx contains a list of errors noted in the
documentation discovered when writing demonstration programs etc.
It is a work in progress.
Last update: 15 February 2013
Andrew Herbert
The content of the "Elliott 900 Technical Manual" folder is :
Contact : Andrew Herbert